
Paddling From Moab to Canyonlands on the Colorado River with Packrafts

Until now, our weekend trips to Moab focused around mountain biking, hiking, rock climbing, and generally just trying to escape to nicer weather.  This pst weekend, we decided to try something new and challenging. We made plans to paddle the flat water section of the Colorado River from the town of Moab to the border of Canyonlands National Park. So we loaded our packrafts into the truck and set out for another adventure. Distance: 12 Miles Put-In: Wall Street Area Take-Out: Potash Boat Ramp Flow: 5,000 Time: 6 Hours Difficulty: Easy (Flat water) Dog Friendly: Yes! Shuttle Difficulty: Easy (Rode …

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Learning to Ride a Snowmobile

Okay, normally, I’m the guy who is always pushing for human-powered activities. You know, biking, hiking, running, etc. Not exactly a proponent of getting in a 4-wheeler, driving far, and calling that an adventure. Well, that may have all changed this winter when we took our snowmobile, a.k.a. sled, out in the neighborhood. With one squeeze of the thumb, you are sent nearly flying off the back of the sled, holding on for dear life, as you rip around the snowy trails in the mountains. Needless to say, ripping around on a snowmobile is pure fun, but also ends up …

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How to Fix Overly-Blue Underwater Photos

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten back from a day in the water SCUBA Diving, Snorkeling, or Surfing, and have been totally disappointed by my underwater photos. Every time, they come out looking the same. The photos area all overly blue, with little color elsewhere in the photo. And the deeper the depth that the photo was taken, the worse the photo looks. I always wondered if there was any way to save those photos that I worked so hard to capture in the first place. Of course, I could have used a fancy filter to add …

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Skydiving in Last Vegas | First Time Experience

For Courtney’s 30th Birthday, I wanted to make sure it was an unforgettable time. So this year, we headed down south to the desert metropolis of Las Vegas. We head down there for a few reasons, but mainly, because you can go skydiving year round! Being that Courtney’s birthday is in the winter, this was sort of a big deal! So we packed up Jeep and headed down I-15 for a wild adventure, both on the chaotic strip and being dropped out of a perfectly good airplane! And let me tell you, going skydiving was some of the most adrenaline …

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Cabin Life | What’s Winter Like in Tollgate

It didn’t take long, after we moved into Tollgate Canyon, for our neighbors to consistently ask if we were prepared for winter. “How bad could it really be?!” I remember thinking to ourselves. Well, very quickly, we found out how real winter gets up here. I mean, we got a foot of snow in October, and the snow machine really didn’t turn off until the dry-spell we hit in January. See, the neighborhood sits at around 8,000ft, which is the equivalent elevation of the Mid-Mountain weather reports for our local Park City Ski Resort. With that being said, the town’s …

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Full MAUI Hawaii Trip | Video

After going to the Big Island of Hawaii a few years ago, we were itching to get back anyway we could. So for our family trip this year, we headed over to the Island of Maui. The goal of the trip was to see and do as much as possible, and since we live in a land-locked state, spend as much time in the ocean as we could. We stayed all over the island, moving around ever other day, from Lahaina to Kapalua, then from Kihei to Hana, and then eventually to Kahului. We snorkeled nearly every day, I went …

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Exploring Lahaina on the Island of Maui, Hawaii

Coming from a guy who lives in a tourist town, I know one when I see one. And Lahaina is definitely a tourist town. But I will say, tourist towns aren’t all bad, despite the connotations that they get for high priced restaurants and cliche T-shirt shops. After spending over a week on the island of Maui, we wished we could’ve spent more time in Lahaina. So much so, on our last day of the trip, we drove from Kahului all the way over to Lahaina, just to go snorkeling one last time before we got onto our red-eye flight. …

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Video | Renting Cruise America RV to Sedona, Arizona

As far back as I can remember, the highways on every road trip were littered with the Cruise America Rental RVs. They were even more all over the place when we moved out west, every campground, every dirt road, every trailhead, these Cruise America RVs seemed to be everywhere. We always thought how fun it would be to finally rent one and drive it around on a trip of our own for once. For one trip, we trade in the truck and tent for the glamping experience inside a heated RV with a real bed, bathroom, and kitchen table! And …

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Backcountry Skiing Couloir off Lake Peak in Wasatch

This season has been wild so far, with regards to our snowfall and snowpack her in Utah. We got dumped on in October, which is never a great start for any snowpack to prevent a season-long persistent weak layer. November followed with not a single flake of snow, which lead to a rotting snowpack from the early season snow. Then came a record-setting December which gave us nearly 10 feet of snow in some areas. But then a freakishly dry January rolled in, where it hadn’t snowed past the 7th and combining with warm temperatures, we had incredibly safe avalanche …

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Review | Destination Wedding at Pineapple Beach Club Resort, Antigua

Pineapple Beach Club Resort on the Island of Antigua was responsible for one the best days, and weeks, of my life! After a long, and what seemed to be endless, search for a Caribbean destination wedding, we finally found Pineapple Beach Club (PBC). It checked all of our boxes for our wedding week, from venues to lodging, from food to price. It had it all, and that was before we even stepped foot on the resort for the very first time, which wasn’t until our wedding week. And from that first moment, until the very last goodbye, I cannot quantify …

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