
Salmon, Idaho | Raddest Town You’ve Never Heard Of

I can’t tell you how many small towns we drove through on our road trip. So many that I lost count. But on our last day of the trip, heading off from the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana, we made our way into Idaho. If you’ve never been to Idaho, or have only driven through it on I-15, you will never understand how incredible this place is. Our time in Idaho barely scratched the surface of what this mountainous state has to offer. And yes, I said mountainous. Despite being famous for Potatoes, we saw more Bald Eagles than Potatoes while …

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Moraine Lake| Banff National Park, Canada

The first alarm goes off at 4:30AM. Canada’s northern summer prevents the sun from every really setting, so it was still technically bright out when we rolled out of our tent. Court, Gregor, and I were all so exhausted, but we knew it’d be worth it. The one thing everyone, continuously told us we had to do while we were in Banff National Park was to catch sunrise at Moraine Lake. We got dressed as quickly as possible and all hopped into the truck and punched in Moraine Lake into the GPS. Turns out, the map of the park makes …

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Hike Mount Olympus (Utah)

You know that one hike, that everyone “seems” to have done, but is still on your bucket list? Well, Mt. Olympus was that one for me.  Mount Olympus, like many other mountain peaks, looms over the Salt Lake Valley below. It’s an intimidating mountain to look at when driving down I-215 South. And even though it’s only 9,030′ tall, it’s legendary status to those who live here. It is just one of those peaks, that no matter where you’re standing in Salt Lake, you can look up and see it towering above. And finally, on June 16th, Court, Gregor, and …

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Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon

Little Wild Horse Canyon is an awesome slot canyon, and one I can’t recommend enough to anyone looking to hike their first slot canyon. Located just outside of Goblin Valley State Park in the South-Central region of Utah’s desert, it’s only a 4hr drive from Salt Lake City and 2hrs from Moab. The canyon itself is stunningly beautiful, with eroded sandstone walls that you could spend a lifetime exploring. The best part about this experience, is that it isn’t a technical route. That means, no ropes (or canyoneering experience) is required. Simply lace up those hiking boots and follow the …

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Midweek MTB Race Series

Your heart rate is sky high, pumping at 170+ bpm for an hour straight. You’re chasing the rider in front of you, waiting for the moment to pass. You see the inside turn open up, you instinctually yell out, “On your left!”  You make the pass and then have your eyes set on the next rider a few switchbacks away. One down, and everyone else to go! That’s what it’s like, for me, riding in Utah’s Midweek Mountain Bike Race Series. From that description you’d think it’s some hardcore, CAT1 race series. Except, it couldn’t be anything further from the …

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