
Mountain Biking with your Dog

Riding mountain bikes with my dog Gregor has made mountain biking even more fun than ever thought was possible. Gregor just turned a year old and can really keep up when we ride now-a-days. I’ve been riding with Gregor since he was a little pup, but back then those rides were quite short. Started out with 1-mile rides, getting him used to running near the bike without getting hurt. Since then, he’s lead me up some of the steepest sections in Park City.

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Stop Comparing Everything You Do To Mt. Everest

With Mt. Everest being front and center in the news as of late due to the viral photo we all have seen, I figured there was no better time to post this article I wrote a little while back.  Just because your body went up a cumulative 29,029 feet does NOT even come close to the same level achievement and accomplishment that comes with actually summiting Mount Everest. I have not summited the tallest mountain in the world, but I can say with high certainty that neither did you. It takes so much time and effort to accomplish this feat, …

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Why I Climb

It’s a question I’ve been hearing come up up a lot more often lately. Maybe it’s because I’m just listening to more people talk about climbing mountains, but still, it’s something I am always thinking about. I’ve decided to dive deep in my brain to figure out why. To figure out, why I climb. I guess the easy answer is that climbing is fun. At the same time, it’s not fun at all. Let me explain. For the purpose of this self-reflection, I’ll be interchangeably talking about rock climbing, hiking/trail running, ski touring, and lastly, mountain biking. Doing any of …

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Review: Five Ten Kestrel Boas Mountain Bike Shoes

First off, I never thought I’d be wearing clipless mountain bike shoes, let alone reviewing a pair. Nevertheless, here I am with a pair of FIVE TEN KESTREL PRO BOAs on my feet and couldn’t be more stoked about it!  First off, I’ve been riding clipless on my road bike for 5 years now, so I’d say I’m super comfortable and used to the clipless setup.  I thought riding challenging terrain was just way to sketchy to be clipped in for, let alone downhill sections. So I used to swear by riding flats on my full suspension mountain bike. But …

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The Campfire

There’s something about the campfire that is indescribably appealing to all of us. Maybe it’s the process of making the fire, or maybe it’s just the show the flames put on flawlessly every time. Whatever it is, it is, the campfire is arguably the best part about any camping trip or adventure.  It all starts with the simple plan of figuring out how much wood you’ll need for the trip, because even though we all have fancy, warm down-jackets; the fire is really the only true source of warmth on a chilly night. Is it going to be a 2 …

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Buying a Condo is Nothing like Climbing Mountains

On March 15th, my girlfriend Courtney and I bought a Condo! It’s a huge step in our lives, finally having a permanent home right here in the mountains of Park City. And as it turns out, buying a condo in a mountain town is nothing like climbing mountains. Seems obvious, right? But when my life has been centered around adventures in the mountains for so many years, it was weird to have all my attention on something completely different. Buying a condo, for us, happened shockingly fast. Sometime, last November, Court and I realized it only made sense to look …

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