
Full MOAB Adventure Weekend | Climb/Bike/SUP/Camp

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve loaded up the truck for a weekend trip with excess gear in hopes that we’d get to use it. You know, toss the climbing gear in, just in case we have time to send a route or two. Or the cumbersome addition of the bike on the rack, only to run out out of time and not get to use it. Well this past weekend wasn’t one of those times. Just like so many of those other trips, I loaded up the truck with all the gear to have an epic weekend, …

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South Lake Tahoe Trip

The first time you see the lake, as you crest the mountain pass from Reno, is a sight you’ll never forget. Driving through the dense evergreen forest, the deep blue of the lake contrasts with the green surrounding the rim. And to add to its beauty, the white peaked mountains on the western edge of the  lake climb high into the sky. And that’s only the beginning of the trip. A trip we just got back from this past weekend. We met up with some friends from back east who rented a house to ski for the week. Since it …

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Earning Your Turns | Alpine Touring 101 (a.k.a Ski Touring)

Alpine touring is, in a nutshell, a terrible way to spend an hour or four. Instead of using the ski lift to reach the top of a mountain, like a sane person, you choose to hike up to the top of the mountain with your skis and boots still strapped to you feet. Which is where the phrase, “earning your turns” comes from. It takes exponentially longer than taking a lift, and you can ski significantly few runs per day.  But for some people, earning your turns, is the only way they will ski.  How exactly are you supposed to …

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A Proper Epic: A Wild Ski Touring Story Experience

Epic (/ˈepik/): When a proposed plan goes to sh!t and you find yourself off route; taking place usually in the dark. This past Tuesday night, my buddy Pete and I decided to check out a new zone to ski tour. The plan was to ski Mount Aire in Lambs Canyon. The peak is visible every time you drive East on 80 going from Park City to Salt Lake, and for that reason, I wanted to ski it! So we met up in the parking lot, just off the exit and went over our “plan.” I had no beta about his …

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Backcountry Skiing

The silence, the solitude, the vertical gain, and of course… the deep powder. When it comes to skiing, spending a day touring around in the mountains is hard to beat. For something as simple as sliding down a field of snow, backcountry skiing is tremendously complex, physically exhausting, and gear intensive. For those three reasons I can’t get enough of it. Every ski tour starts at the beginning of the season with the state of the snowpack. Understanding how the season’s snowfall layers up and where the weak layers exist . The morning of a tour, you wake up and …

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