
Review: Black Diamond JetForce Tour 26L Avalanche Airbag

The JetForce Tour was built with the same impeccable quality and reliability you can expect from a Black Diamond product. I’ve gone on 10 tours in the Wasatch with this pack and have put it through the ringer (except for an avalanche). Enough days and hours to be able to review the pack in the following categories: Technology, Functionality, Size, Weight/Comfort, and Price.  Note, this is my first avi pack, but I did plenty of research before getting this pack and feel like I can make an accurate comparison. Reviewing an avalanche airbag pack can be, in my opinion, difficult …

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Gregor The Adventure Dog | #AdventuresWithGregor

A dog can truly change your life. And ever since this pup became a part of our family, our adventures have only been more incredible. From the jagged Tetons of Wyoming, to the orange deserts of Utah, this pup has experienced it all. But don’t take my word for it, check it out from his perspective in this video.
I’ve never made a video like this one, so I hope you like it. I know my girlfriend and I sure thought it was funny.

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Summer in a Ski Town

I never thought I’d say this, but I think summers in a ski town are equally as good, if not better than during winter. I get it, without the winter, these types of towns wouldn’t even exist. But my first summer up in Park City, Utah has been some of the most fun I’ve ever had. The crowds are gone, the temps are warm, and best of all, no passes required. Let me explain. After moving to Salt Lake in January, with only a 6 month lease, we packed up our stuff again in June. This time we were headed …

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Charged by a Moose | True Story

Today I was charged by a moose. Not a bluff, a full blown charge by a Momma Moose. It was, by far, the sketchiest moment of my life. At no point did I feel in control. And not only did I put my own life in danger, but I also put my dog, Gregor’s, life in danger. Which is another level of guilt and stress that I’ve never felt before. This is the story of what happened. Gregor and I headed out onto the trail for our normal run. It hasn’t snowed in days, so the trail is packed down …

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Monument Valley

I’m not sure if there’s more of an iconic viewpoint than one as you drive down RT191, towards the buttes on the horizon. Even though most people may not know about this place, nor what it’s called; it is a crucial turning point (literally) in the movie Forest Gump. A scene that has seared this vista into everyone’s memory who’s watched that movie. You know, the one where Forrest is running across the country with a huge crowd of people following close behind. He turns around to finally address the crowd that has been running waiting with bated breath, to …

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Looking Back on 2018 | A Year in Utah

This had been the most incredible, adventurous year of my life. To look back on these 365 days, I don’t even know where to begin. I guess, the obvious first step is January 1, 2018. After ringing in the new year in Quebec City, in below 0 temps, Court surprised me with dog sledding. Something I’ve never dreamt I’d get to do, turned out to blow my expectations out of the water. And that was only the first day of the year. From there on, it only got better.

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