
How a Dog Will Change Your Adventures… FOREVER

Fridays used to be spent deciding the weekend’s adventure, on the fly, and the car was packed accordingly. Headed to the desert, into the mountains, or even just by river somewhere; it never really mattered where we went because we could go anywhere. But that all changed this summer when my girlfriend and I got our little, endless ball of energy, Gregor. We’d always wanted a dog together, and finally everything aligned and we found the perfect little doggo. But I think we may have looked before we leaped just a bit, because or adventures will be forever changed now …

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Jackson, Wyoming | Tetons Adventure [Video]

The Tetons of Wyoming are epic, and definitely worth the short drive up from Utah. So Court & I took our pup Gregor there for his first big trip. We camped for 4 nights, just outside of town, up at at Curtis Canyon. From there, we explored the town, mountains, and Grand Teton National Park. It was such a simple trip, with no real planned agenda. And that’s what made it so memorable.

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Ode to Car Camping

As much as I hate to admit, we go car camping far more than we do any other type of camping. Car camping, for those unfamiliar with the terminology, is when you load up all you stuff, drive to a campsite or public land, and set up your camp very close to where you parked your car. Most people just call this camping, but in my “younger days” I scoffed at the idea. I thought the only way to camp was if you drove to the trailhead, strapped everything to your backpack, hiked many miles into the woods, and then …

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Weekend Guide: Arches National Park

So you’ve only got one weekend, two precious days, to explore the most iconic National Park in Utah. What are you going to do? There’s so much to do, and endless things to see. So where do you even start? Can it even be done in one weekend? Is it even worth going down there if I don’t have a week off of work? You’ve come to the right place! And the obvious answer is yes, if given the opportunity, get to Arches National Park! Friday: Getting to Arches Back in February, my girlfriend and I went down into the …

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Mavic Air | Best Drone for Adventure Filmmaking/Photography

Finally, DJI has released the ideal drone for us adventure filmmakers and photographers. This summer I finally spent the money to upgrade camera bag with the DJI Mavic Air, and I have zero regrets. This review is based off my prior experience with the DJI Phantom series drones and how much better the Mavic Air is. This review is more for those who are familiar with drones, drone capability/limitations, and are maybe looking to get a smaller drone to take with them on every adventure, not just the big ones.  I’ve broken this review down into 4 categories: Size, Camera, …

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Go Hike Lake Blanche

As bad as it sounds, I try to stay away from hikes and outdoors activities that get too much praise and hype. It might just be the hipster in me, but when a  hiking trail get’s nearly 1,800 5-star reviews on, it’s hard to believe it’s going to be a challenging one. The only time that many people review a trail, or anything for that matter, it’s usually something super easy and perfect for the out-of-shape, family-friendly hikers. For those hikes, which commonly get described as a 1-mile trail, entirely flat, and finishes at a pretty waterfall. However, this …

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Getting The Shot: Shooting the Stars

If you’re lucky enough to have witnessed seeing the Milky Way with your own eyes at night, I can bet you’ll remember it for the rest of your life. But capturing that moment in a photo to share with people for the  rest of your life, now that is a different story. How many times have you tried to capture those incredible stars that blanket the night sky with your camera or phone and ended up with either a black screen or a blurry mess of dots? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.  And I wanted to explain how I …

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How to: Train your Adventure Dog

I used to be so envious of all those riders and trail runners, cruising down the trails with their dogs right behind them, off leash, the entire way! I remember thinking to myself, “How do they train their dogs to be able to run like that?  Every dog I know would be off running into the woods at the first sign of a squirrel and never come back!” But I was determined, that one day, once I got a dog of my own, that it’d be the best adventure dog. Fast-forward a few years, my girlfriend, Court, and I have …

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Get your Stickers!

My sticker design has finally come in, and turned out pretty awesome (if I do say so myself). If you would like a free sticker sent to you, please give me your name and address below! As soon as I get your info, a sticker will be on its way to you via snail mail! They are 2″ in diameter, so the perfect size to put anywhere! If you would like a free sticker sent to you, please give me your name and information below! As soon as I get your info, a sticker will be on its way to …

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Top Notch Triathlon: Utah Style

5,495ft of vertical gain separates the starting line from the finish of this triathlon. It’s not your typical race, nor is it even an official event. At least, it wasn’t until August 5, 2018, because three brave souls took this challenge on with only a few days notice and they absolutely crushed it. So what exactly is the Top Notch Triathlon-Utah Version? It all started back in 2014 when my new roommates at the time invited me to compete in an annual team triathlon that raced up Cannon Mountain in New Hampshire on the first weekend in August. I took …

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