The Pfeifferhorn | Wasatch Mountains

If you couldn’t tell by now, I like to make spontaneous decisions in the hopes that they result in incredible experiences.  Rather than research and map out every detail for a trip, I do the bare minimum so that I’ll be safe. As for the rest, I try not to look at any pictures or trip reports ahead of time so that I can experience it all for myself in person when I get there. And this could have been more apparent when I decided to hike the Pfeifferhorn. It all started when I was reading an article in this …

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Wasatch Crest Trail | Mountain Bike Ride

The Wasatch Crest Trail is one of the most epic trails I’ve ever ridden. A true classic ride in Northern Utah that everyone must do at least once in their life. All of which I did not know prior to riding it. A buddy of mine I had met on a MeetUp ride in Little Cottonwood Canyon asked me if I wanted to shuttle Wasatch Crest one night last week. I said “Sure, sounds like a blast!” But I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Silly me, thought a shuttle ride was just taking a shuttle van …

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Instagram is Ruining the Outdoors | Opinion

This polarizing discussion is not new, yet I am constantly at odds with myself on what side of the argument I’m on. And rather than trying to balance my position somewhere in the middle, today I picked a side. Is Instagram ruining the outdoors? My answer is… No.   Until recent years, the outdoors have always been an exclusive club. It may not seem like it because it’s free and accessible by every person, but it really is. Unless you were raised in a family who spent their weekends hiking or camping, odds are you will never end up in …

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First Camping in the Uinta Mountains

Rarely do spontaneous camping trip plans actually happen. Sure, the idea always gets thrown around after a night of drinking, but we usually never follow through with them. Some how, this past weekend was completely different. After throwing around plans to do a quick, overnight camping trip during the day on Friday, we settled on a night in the Uinta Mountains on Saturday night. Even as Saturday rolled around, we still weren’t sure we’d make it. But wouldn’t you know it, the plans all came together and we met up with 4 of our other friends outside of Kamas to …

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5th Water Hotsprings | Utah

When you picture a hot spring that is tucked away in the middle of mountains, the Fifth Water Hot Springs should be exactly what you think of. And if you’re tired of showing up to a hot spring only to realize it’s completely packed and not really that “hot”, then this is definitely the one for you! They are very remote (only accessible by foot), and they are hot (I’m talking 110F in some spots). This drastically differs from hot springs I’ve been to in Utah and in other countries where they turn the geothermal heated pools into spas and …

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Angels Landing Trail | Zion National Park

Thousand foot drops offs on either side of the 2 foot wide, sandstone trail. For a half-mile, you have to try your hardest not to look down as you hike along the hog’s back ridgeline. The only thing that keeps you from tumbling over the edge are the intermittent chains that are drilled into the rock. But if you make it to the end, you will be shown a view of the Zion Valley below that you’ll never forget. Zachary KenneyHi there, my name is Zachary Kenney and I’m an adventure filmmaker & photographer.  My passion is to tell stories …

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Video Uploads | March & April 2018

Check out my latest uploads from the March and April!  Monthly Recap of videos and posts in case you missed any along the way. Hope you enjoy, check’m out! Zachary KenneyHi there, my name is Zachary Kenney and I’m an adventure filmmaker & photographer.  My passion is to tell stories that will hopefully motivate you to go live a more adventurous life. Whether that is to experience the view from the summit of a mountain, or wandering through a new town on a road trip. Currently based out of Park City, UT.

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Delicate Arch | Arches National Park

The Delicate Arch. It is probably the most recognizable symbol of Utah. So much so, that we’ve put it on our license plates.  And when something is as much of a part of a state’s identity, like Mt. Rushmore or Old Faithful, it usually means it’s a giant tourist trap. This makes it hard to appreciate the beauty of something when you are constantly being elbowed out of the way for someone else to take a picture. So our expectations were set pretty low as we drove out from Devil’s Campground in Arches National Park and pulled into the Delicate …

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Surf Costa Rica | Playa Negra

I’ve always heard incredible stories from family, friends, and neighbors about how epic the surfing was in Costa Rica. As a kid, I grew up only surfing the New Jersey shores during summer.  Ironically, it wasn’t until I moved up to New England, where the water is always cold, did I begin to take surfing seriously. And that’s when a buddy of mine, named Jake, started throwing around the idea for a surf trip to Costa Rica. Nothing was set in stone, but he had spent a summer there before and wanted to go back. The next thing I knew, …

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White Mountains Bike Touring | Trip Report (4/4)

Day 3 | White Mountains Bike Tour Loading all your gear onto your bike, via headlamp at 4:00AM, isn’t exactly what I’d call a “good morning”. But we had fallen asleep so early the night before (probably due to the beers), that it was only logical to start riding as soon as we awoke. Not to mention, the forecast was predicting a small window of no rain from 4-8AM. So that meant we could potentially finish the last 30 miles of the ride fully dry! And that would be a miracle since every bit of clothing I had brought, including my …

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