Video Shooting, Editing, & Producing Tips

Having been shooting, editing, and producing videos for the past 5+ years, and I’ve definitely run into my fair share of problems. These issues range from video quality, audio recording and playback, and general story continuity for the final cut of the video. I figured I’d start to write down some of the tips and things I’ve learned along the way to give others a help in avoiding these issues/mistakes/bad practices. Note, I edit on Final Cut Pro 10 (FCPX), but all these tips can be extrapolated for use in Adobe, iMovie, cellphone apps, GoPro editor, etc. Video Video Transitions …

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Tips to Make Better Videos: Telling a Story vs Video-porn

One of the first questions you have to ask before you begin editing any clips, or even before you press record on your camera, is, “What type of video do I want to make?” I don’t mean the infinite cinematic-subcategories that are out there, but just these two types instead: are you going to tell a story to an audience or just make a video-porn/music video style video. Zachary KenneyHi there, my name is Zachary Kenney and I’m an adventure filmmaker & photographer.  My passion is to tell stories that will hopefully motivate you to go live a more adventurous …

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Top Things to Know Before Your Costa Rica Trip

1. Not All Roads are Equal Even in the remote corners of the states, we still have access to paved roads. Down in Costa Rica, however; it is quite the opposite. Sure the main tourist routes from the airports to the “big named” destinations have quality roads & highways with speed limits up to 50mph, but the excitement begins as soon as you find yourself, even remotely, off the beaten path. For instance, if you aren’t planning to spend your time by the “metropolis” beach town of Tamarindo, nearly every other town’s roads are exclusively dirt and riddled with large …

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Best Transportation Options: Traveling Iceland

Travel can be defined in many ways. As a verb: To go from point A to point B. But I tend to view travel as a noun: To experience new things while in a new place. When traveling, we must balance the time it takes to get to a destination versus the amount we can experience before we get to our destination. If we chose to fly from location to location, yes, it’d be very quick, but we would miss everything between points A & B. If we walked, we would see everything from the cracks in the road to the …

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Spontaneity is Key to Adventure in Iceland

As we pulled over onto the side of the road for, what seemed to feel like the 100th time, and the four of us stepped out of the car for a hike up the mountainside to check out another waterfall. At this moment, I couldn’t have been happier with how our lack of planning had allowed us to explore the incredibly unique landscape of Iceland. Since I returned home, I constantly find myself describing, to my friends and family, how diverse the countryside of Iceland was as it varied so much from mile to mile. If we had planned our …

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Where to stay in Iceland?

The question I get asked a lot when I return from a trip is always, “Where did you stay?”, followed by, “Really? And how was it?” I can pretty much guarantee that my one rule for lodging will never change while I travel, and that one rule is to stay as cheap as possible while still having reasonable accommodations. This is because I don’t travel to enjoy the 4 walls of hotel room or how nice their lobby was. I travel to see the country and meet people. With that being said, I usually am constantly reading reviews of hostels …

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